[Salon] (20) TucxxxCaxxson on X: "Dxxx Cooxxx may be the best and most honest popular historian in the United States. His latest project is the most forbidden of all: trying to understand World War Two. (1:20) History of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (12:39) The Jonestown Cult (32:10) World War Two (45:04) How https://t.co/HJ2B8RjcCY" / X

Anticipating this may not get past the censors, as was happening yesterday, though to be clear, this is part of my denunciation of Carlson, Trump, Vance, and the “F***ing Liars who support and promote them (as  this is such a right-wing promoting email list now, this goes to a rebuttal of right-wing propaganda/propagandists), I will send it in smaller pieces if necessary. Bu here’s the Tucker Carlson interview with fellow Nazi apologist Darryl Cooper. And pay attention, Israeli genocide apologist as well. 

The key sections are “How Would You Assess Winston Churchill?, and “How History is Rewritten and Propagandized,” which takes an incredible lack of shame as that’s what Carlson and Cooper each specialize in, as do their “New Right” partners at Quincy Institute and TAC magazine, as I’ve been pointing out for years now as they’re propagated in support of Trump, a fallacious right-wing revisionism. But the importance of revising history for odious purposes as addressed in the section on “History,” if you listen as you should to how that applies to what Carlson/Cooper do everyday in advancing the “Fascist Revolution.” Which this makes clear is actually  their “PsyOp” objective. 

The “facts” here are so obviously false, to anyone with even just a minimal education in history, though it's correct that it gets falsified, and I’m not a defender of the Imperial/Colonialist Churchill as some are (Hillsdale College/Claremont Institute), but others have written of that so no need for me to point them out now. Carlson puts in a plug for his partner Erik Prince, which in itself should tell one all they need to know about fascist sympathizer Carlson. Though my experience is that no one wants to “look beneath the surface” of rhetoric, especially people trained in Intelligence and Journalism, who seem disproportionally susceptible to Trumpian/Carlson deceptions in their fallacious call to “End the Endless Wars.” 

Darryl Cooper may be the best and most honest popular historian in the United States. His latest project is the most forbidden of all: trying to understand World War Two. (1:20) History of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (12:39) The Jonestown Cult (32:10) World War Two (45:04) How Would You Assess Winston Churchill? (1:17:17) How History Is Rewritten and Propagandized (1:24:39) Mass Immigration in Europe (1:42:25) The Civil Rights Movement and BLM (1:48:17) Viktor Orban, Vladimir Putin, and Donald Trump (1:58:30) Christianity (2:10:58) Hate Blinds You Includes paid partnerships.

Paid partnerships: PureTalk: Switch your cell service and get 50% off the first month at PureTalk.com/Tucker Unplugged: Get $25 off a new phone with code "Tucker" at Unplugged.com/Tucker

"NOTORIOUS BLACKWATER FOUNDER and perennial mercenary entrepreneur Erik Prince has a new business venture: a cellphone company whose marketing rests atop a pile of muddled and absurd claims of immunity to surveillance.

"The American billionaire—best known for founding the notorious private military firm Blackwater, which became globally infamous for killing Iraqi civilians and threatening US government investigators—was pushing Unplugged, a smartphone startup promising “free speech, privacy, and security” untethered from dominant tech giants like Apple and Google."

I’ve procrastinated in sending this as it necessarily requires me to at least implicitly criticize some people here whom I once had greater respect for than I do now, who recently expressed how much they respect Tucker Carlson for what he says against the war in Ukraine. That kind of tunnel vision allows them, and us, to avoid recognizing Carlson’s hyper-militarism and provocations for war against China (and implicitly against Russia as they’re a “package,” as Trump and the Heritage Foundation make clear. So that’ my only criticism of this otherwise excellent Ben Norton article, which is that he doesn’t take notice of Trump/Vance/Carlson/Duda’s demands that Europe pay for and fight the war against Russia, even while they false present themselves as “Right-wing Peaceniks.” 

Quote: "What unites them all is their desire to strengthen the US empire and maintain Washington’s unipolar hegemony over the planet. This is precisely why Tucker Carlson warned with terror, back on his Fox News show, “If Russia ever joins forces with China, American global hegemony, its power, would end instantly”.

Money Quote: "Carlson’s vision also happens to be along the lines of the approach favored by hawks like frequent Tucker Carlson Tonight guest Elbridge Colby, the Donald Trump appointee responsible for the billionaire president’s anti-China 2018 National Defense Strategy. (“I wish you were running the State Department,” Carlson once told Colby.)

"But, of course, such a vision has nothing to do with ensuring peace, let alone keeping Americans out of elite-led foreign adventures, like the Middle Eastern ones Carlson denounces. The opposite, actually: by paying lip service to restraint-oriented rhetoric, Carlson has worked to co-opt latent antiwar sentiment and redirect it into his warmongering crusade against China."

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